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star 05.03.2022
music page is live!!
star 04.26.2022
technically i did this a few days ago but
the cats page now exists!
star 04.20.2022
homepage achieved!!!
last update:
sites that inspire me
virtual diva shiska seraph sanctum bikobatanari softheartclinic cinni's dream home devils roxelle irony machine eggramen rosedryad
ENTRY: 05.03.2022 | capitalism exists :/
happy feeling: hopeful
music listening: odo (english cover) - rachie
small update to last entry: i actually was able to be withdrawn from my composition class at the last moment so the grade won't affect my gpa 。゚(*´□`)゚。 legitimately such an indescribable relief i have a job interview today!! i'm very nervous because i have only held one job prior to this and it was at chuck e. cheese and it went. pretty badly LMAO but i'm trying to stay hopeful!!! unless i really fuck it up i'm all but guaranteed the job because my mom works at the same place (#nepotism) so i'm less worried about the interview and more worried about everything that comes after that. but again! trying to be hopeful!!!!! please wish me luck gamers!!!!!! i was able to get the stanley parable: ultra deluxe the day after launch and it's SO GOOD i really love it ;;w;; davey wreden has such a chokehold on my entire being i hate it... thank you davey for my life....... i wouldn't be surprised if the new content was pretty controversial among fans, though. i really enjoyed it but i think it's very possible that other people will find it a bit on the nose? i'm not really seeking out reviews, though, since if people Don't like it i will probably be sad about it ahaha, i accidentally saw people saying mean things about oliver appropriate the other day and i was so upset. nobody loves you like i do oliver appropriate and also the stanley parable: ultra deluxe...
ENTRY: 04.26.2022 | i ate two whole frozens pizzas today
neutral feeling: drained
music listening: children of the city - mili
i did my math final today! i did not do very well, but i was kind of expecting that because i forgot the entirety of the second unit and am just generally not very good with fractions and rationals, but it doesn't take my grade below a b overall and that's the end of my whole semester. i failed composition because of a lot of reasons (i basically had to just stop doing anything for the class because of my brain, oops), but i did okay in my other two classes. i don't know my exact american pop music grade since my final essay hasn't been graded yet, but i currently have an a and it SHOULDN'T dip below that. this is also the second day i'm on a new medication! so, that's neat. we'll see how that ends up going. pls treat me well fluvoxamine parsnip had a bit of a run in with mombilee's recliner last night, and he was acting really weird for awhile, i assume because of being shaken up by it. he really worried me for awhile, but he's completely back to normal as of now and isn't stupid enough to go inside the recliner anymore. pro tip: under/inside recliners is generally not a fun place to be, i had an ankle injury as a kid to prove it lmao. but yeah, he's completely fine.
ENTRY: 04.20.2022 | the weed day update
happy feeling: accomplished
music listening: NANI THE FUCK!! - camellia, nanahira
alright!!! we're like, 90% of the way there for the site to be pretty much usable? of course, it'll always be perpetually under construction, but i'm a lot more happy with the broad strokes. i am going to get a hang of this website thing yet!!!!!!! now i have to write my final essay for my american pop music class... i told myself i would start it early, so of course i'm writing it on the day that it is due (: i have nobody to blame but myself. it shouldn't be too hard, just tedious. but!!! i get to write it on any album i want, so i get to talk about oliver appropriate by say anything!!! my favorite album of all time!!!!! maybe college IS worth it...